You do not have the necessary permissions to access this application.
\r\nPlease contact the IT Helpdesk:
\r\nClaim Reference | \r\nRelated Reference | \r\nPolicy Number | \r\nLast Viewed | \r\n|
{{cl.claimReference}} | \r\n{{cl.relatedReference}} | \r\n{{cl.policyNumber}} | \r\n{{}} | \r\n{{cl.lastViewed}} | \r\n
Key | \r\nSize | \r\n\r\n |
{{itm.key}} | \r\n{{itm.size}} | \r\n\r\n |
Key | \r\nSize | \r\n\r\n |
developerExceptions | \r\n{{developerExceptions ? developerExceptions.length : 0 }} | \r\n\r\n | \r\n
The Claim has to be APPROVED before a Claim Approved email can be sent. Select the Update Claim tab.
\r\nApproval email last sent: {{approvedEmailLastSent}}
\r\nThe Claim has to be DECLINED before a Claim Declined email can be sent. Select the Update Claim tab.
\r\nDeclined email last sent: {{declinedEmailLastSent}}
\r\nSelect the type of documents that you wish the claimant to provide.
\r\nTips will appear in the email to the customer.
\r\n\r\n Reason: {{itm.documentRejectedReason}}\r\n
\r\n\r\n Settlement option: {{itm.repairOptionType}} ({{itm.repairProvider}})\r\n
\r\n\r\n Reimbursement amount: {{itm.reimbursementAmount}} (Repair price amount: {{itm.repairPriceValueCompared.gross}})\r\n
\r\n User: {{itm.createdByName ? itm.createdByName : 'SYSTEM'}}\r\nNo status history to show.
\r\nDocument type: {{document.documentTypeLabel}}
\r\nSub type: {{document.documentSubTypeLabel}}
\r\nDate uploaded: {{document.dateCreated}}
\r\nOriginal filename: {{document.originalFilename}}
\r\nVisible to customer: {{TrueFalseYesNo(!document.internalOnly)}}
\r\nRepair cost total: {{formatCurrency(document.currencyCode,document.amount)}}
\r\nApproval status: {{document.documentStatusLabel}}
\r\n\r\nRejected reason: {{document.rejectedReason}}
\r\nClicking on the document preview will open / download the file.
\r\nDate uploaded: {{document.createdDate}}
\r\nOriginal filename: {{document.originalFileName}}
\r\nClicking on the document preview will open / download the file.
\r\nDate uploaded: {{a.dateCreated}}
\r\nOriginal filename: {{a.originalFilename}}
\r\n\r\n | \r\n \r\n \r\n | \r\n {{col.display}} \r\n | \r\nActions | \r\n
\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n | \r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n | \r\n\r\n {{getDataValue(item,col)}}\r\n | \r\n\r\n \r\n \r\n \r\n\r\n | \r\n
Select the type of documents that you wish the claimant to provide.
\r\nTips will appear in the email to the customer.